SkillSly – Ultimate eLearning Website


It is an Enterprise grade Learning management system Website for Class 9th to 12th, JEE, NEET, and other exams. It is a complete system with “all” the features of any modern LMS. It provides the best of Social and eCommerce sites. Best for Instructors, Educational Training Centres, Corporate trainings, Coaching centres, Course tutors, College, Academy, University, School and MOOC platform.


  • Learning Management System

    • Manage Students and Instructors
      • Categorise Types, students, departments and Instructors
      • Filterable Members Directory. Filter by any property, from birth date to country.
      • Custom Member Profiles. Different profile layouts for different member types.
      • Filter members based on location. Google map.
    • Manage Courses
    • Manage Quizzes Independent Quizzes & Management.
    • Custom Course directories
    • Subjects, Classes
    • Parents with Student Claim option.
    • Attendance with ID card
    • Instructor appointments
    • Integration with BBB Conferencing

    Course Creation and Management

    • Create and Sell Courses
    • Create and upload custom badges and certificates
    • Free Units for Course Preview
    • Supports Audio/Video and Attachments in Units
    • Course Curriculum and Course Timeline
    • Course Reviews & Ratings
    • Exclusive Course Groups & Forums
    • Front End Functions:
      • Course Manual Evaluation
      • Remove reset Courses for Students
      • Overall Course Stats
      • Students Course Stats
      • Course Result
      • Auto Messages & Notifications
      • Bulk Messaging
      • Live status in Course Timeline
      • Set Course Status, award marks for course
      • Award Certificates, Badges
      • Extend subscriptions
    • Course Section
      • Displays Courses ordered by # students, # ratings, #reviews, date
      • Displays Courses in Single Items, Course lists and Course Carousels
    • Course Search Section
      • Search in Courses
      • Select Instructor, Course Category or Course levels to search in
    • Course Reviews Section
      • Displays Courses reviews
      • Displays course reviews in Single Items, lists and Carousels
    • Site Stats Section
      • Displays Site wide stats
      • Displays # Instructors, #students, #courses, #units etc..
    • Course Instructor Section
      • Displays Instructor of the Single Course
      • Displays other courses taken by Instructor
  • Quizes
    • Question Bank
    • Auto Evaluation
    • Quiz Timer
    • Quiz Timeline
    • Quesiton Types : Multiple Choice, Multiple Correct, Fill in the Blank, Sort, Match, Select dropdown, Small text & Essay Type
    • Detailed Result
    • Auto Messaging & Notifications
    • Front End Functions:
      • Quiz Automatic/Manual Evaluation
      • Reset Quiz for Student
      • Quiz Auto Submit on timer expire.
      • In Course vs Stand alone quiz
      • One Question per frame or Multi Question per frame
      • Live status in Quiz Timeline
      • Quiz support Audio, Video, Latex
      • Quiz Stats, download student scores
      • Dynamic Question, create quiz from pool of questions
      • Share / Print result
  • Assignments
    • Assignments similar to HomeWork, Timer (in Days), Auto submit
    • Multiple Assignment Upload
    • Essay type assignment
    • Include assignment in Course, Unit, Event
    • Detailed Result with instructor remarks
    • Auto Messaging & Notifications
    • Front End Functions:
      • Assignment Manual Evaluation
      • Reset Assignment for Student
      • Assignment Auto Submit on timer expire.
      • Remarks from Instructor
      • Message, Notification or Email
  • Statistics
    • Detailed Statistics
      • Full Course Stats
      • Quiz Stats
      • Assignment Stats
    • Instructor Stats (Front End):
      • Full Course Stats
      • Student Wise Stats
    • Admin Stats:
      • Overview : Total Students, instructors, courses, # students courses graphs
      • Course-wise stats : Each Course with # students, Average marks, # badges, #certificates
      • Instructor-wise stats: Each Instructor with # students, Averge marks, # badges, #certificates
  • Bulk Import/Export
    • Export CSV
      • Import & create Course,Quiz, Questions, Assignments
      • Import & create Users
      • Connect users with courses, quizzes, assignments with marks
    • Import CSV
      • Full Course Stats
      • Student Wise Stats
    • Admin Stats:
      • Overview : Total Students, instructors, courses, # students courses graphs
      • Course-wise stats : Each Course with # students, Average marks, # badges, #certificates
      • Instructor-wise stats: Each Instructor with # students, Averge marks, # badges, #certificates
  • Shop
    • Multiple Course in single product
    • Enable/Disable Subscriptions
    • Custom Subscription duration for each Product
  • Private Course Groups
  • Private Course Forums
  • Privacy Options
    • Enable/Disable Activity Access to Students, Instructors, Admin or All
    • Enable/Disable Groups Access to Students, Instructors, Admin or All
    • Enable/Disable Group creation to Students, Instructors, Admin
    • Show/hide Single user Profile Activity
    • Show/hide Single user Profile Groups
    • Show/hide Single user Profile Forums
  • Responsive and RetinaReady


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Additional information


Software Framework

PHP, MySQL, WordPress, Java, Android

Hosting Space


Hosting Server

Cloud Linux

