Billing – Advanced POS, Inventory, Accounting, Warehouse, Multi Users, GST Ready


This is an application that allows you to manage your invoices, customers, suppliers, and stock. The application has an Easy POS system for a faster billing system.


  • Multi Warehouses
  • Multi Users
  • Accounting
  • Quotation
  • Customer Advance Payments Management
  • Sales & Purchase Invoice & Payments Management
  • Sales & Purchase Return Invoice & Payments Management
  • Customers & Suppliers Management & Import [CSV] feature
  • Customers & Suppliers Payments (Bulk Pay/Receive) Management
  • Items & Service Management & Import [CSV] feature
  • Items Brand & Category Master
  • Print Barcode/Labels
  • Stock Adjustment/Entry
  • Stock Transfer between warehouse (in same Store)
  • Expense Management
  • Convert Quotation to Invoice
  • Users & Users Role Management & able to assign warehouse to user
  • Tax & Tax grouping
  • Units Management
  • Item Variant Management
  • Payment Types Master
  • Places Management [Country & State]
  • SMS API : Twilio API, URL/HTTP based SMS API, SMS Templates
  • Currency Master
  • Database Backup facility [Admin]
  • Reports:
    • Sales Tax Report
    • Purchase Tax Report
    • Supplier Items Report
    • Sales Report
    • Sales Return Report
    • Seller Points Report
    • Purchase Report
    • Purchase Return Report
    • Expense Report
    • Profit & Loss Report, Item wise & invoice wise profit Report
    • Stock Report
    • Item Sales Report
    • Purchase Payments Report
    • Sales Payments Report

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Additional information



Software Framework

PHP, MySQL, Laravel, Native Java, Android

Hosting Space


Hosting Server

Cloud Linux




Startup, Startup + Marketing, Startup Pro, Startup Pro + Marketing